fencing in the area around your pool

fencing in the area around your pool

Fences For Different Situations

by Emma Kilpela

A white picket fence is very iconic and they look very nice in front of a home. More than anything a white picket fence looks nice and marks your home. However it does serve some utility. A custom fence for your home can add a great look to your home, and in some cases it can be built for a very specific purpose. Here are three different types of fence that can be customized to fit your needs, and can be built by a professional. 

Horse Fencing 

If you have horses you know that they are one of the best animals to raise and to raise. Horses have wild personalities and like to run and play around. For this reason a horse fence needs to be a very specific type of material. Mesh is the best material for your horse fence. Mesh is created with wires are woven together to form a strong cord. These fences will hold up even with horses leaning up against the fence. Do not use barbed wire or field fence for your horse fence barbed wire often leaves deep gashes in horses, and field fence often gets caught around a horses leg. A professional fence contractor will be able to build you horse fence with very little time. 

Rock Pillar Fences

If you are looking for a fence that is going to add a great deal of character to the outside of the home, a rock pillar fence might be the right fence for your home. The rock pillars are first constructed and real stone or rock can be used, or synthetic stone can be used. These rock pillars often have a cement cap. They look majestic and are a great base for your fence. Between each rock pillar you can have different material for you fence. Depending on what look you want for your fence and also what utility, you can have horizontal or vertical bars. There are many different choices for a rock pillar fence.

Privacy Fence

If you live in a neighborhood and want some extra privacy, a privacy fence is a great type of fence to build. A privacy fence can be constructed with wood or vinyl. These fences do not allow anyone to see inside the yard, but they are also great for keeping children or pets inside the property at all times. When installing a privacy fence you know that you will be protecting your children as they play outside, but also getting the privacy that you need. 


About Me

fencing in the area around your pool

Is the area around your swimming pool secure? Each year there are many accidental drownings because the area around the pool was exposed. Installing the right kind of fence around your swimming pool area can help to keep your family, pets and anyone passing by safe from accidental drownings. What kind of fence will do the best job? What material should you choose to ensure that the fence lasts many years and doesn't require a whole lot of maintenance? My blog is all about fencing around pools. You will find your options and tips to keep the fencing in great condition for several years.
