fencing in the area around your pool

fencing in the area around your pool

Get A Privacy Fence & Save Money On Installation

by Emma Kilpela

If you want a little more privacy around your home, have a privacy fence installed. Here is what you need to do in order to save a little money on your new privacy fence.

Have A Plan

If you plan on working with a contractor on this project, you'll want to work with them to develop a plan for your fence and to mark off the fence. You'll also want to consult with them and coordinate your efforts to help with the project.

If you plan on doing the entire project yourself, you'll need to determine where exactly to place your fence and plot the line where you want your fence to go using stakes and string. You should put a temporary stake at each location where you plan on putting a post for your fence. If you need help with planning your fence, consult with a fencing contractor, such as Arbor Fence Co Inc

Check Before You Dig

Before you even think about picking up a shovel, you need to make sure that there are not any wires or gas lines where you plan to dig at. Look up the 'Call Before You Dig" hotline for your area. This hotline will connect you with all your local utilities and give them a chance to come out and mark where important electrical, gas and water lines are located on your property so that you don't hit any of them while working on your fence.

Digging The Holes

Once you have marked out where you want your fence to go, the next step is to dig the holes for the posts. The best tools to use to dig fence holes with are either manual post hole shovels or a commercial auger.

The manual post hole shovels will create accurate holes for you, but will require a lot of work and strength. To get the job done more quickly, you can rent an auger from your local tool rental store.

The least effective way to dig fence holes is with a shovel. With a shovel, the width and depth of your hole will be harder to control. Both a manual post hole shovel and a commercial auger will help you get the job done with greater speed and accuracy. 

If you want to increase your privacy around your house, select a fence installer to work with today. Once you have developed a plan together and have mapped out where the fence will go, see if you can reduce the cost of installation by digging the holes for the poles yourself. This is one of the more labor intensive and expensive aspects of building a fence, so doing this yourself should save you a little money on the road to more privacy.


About Me

fencing in the area around your pool

Is the area around your swimming pool secure? Each year there are many accidental drownings because the area around the pool was exposed. Installing the right kind of fence around your swimming pool area can help to keep your family, pets and anyone passing by safe from accidental drownings. What kind of fence will do the best job? What material should you choose to ensure that the fence lasts many years and doesn't require a whole lot of maintenance? My blog is all about fencing around pools. You will find your options and tips to keep the fencing in great condition for several years.
